Saturday, May 14, 2016

emission was like that of horses.

5. Kidung agung 4:1-9
7:1 Betapa indah langkah-langkahmu dengan sandal-sandal itu, puteri yang berwatak luhur! Lengkung pinggangmu bagaikan perhiasan, karya tangan seniman.
7:2 Pusarmu seperti cawan yang bulat, yang tak kekurangan anggur campur. Perutmu timbunan gandum, berpagar bunga-bunga bakung.
7:3 Seperti dua anak rusa buah dadamu, seperti anak kembar kijang.
7:4 Lehermu bagaikan menara gading, matamu bagaikan telaga di Hesybon, dekat pintu gerbang Batrabim; hidungmu seperti menara di gunung Libanon, yang menghadap ke kota Damsyik.
7:5 Kepalamu seperti bukit Karmel, rambut kepalamu merah lembayung; seorang raja tertawan dalam kepang-kepangnya.
7:6 Betapa cantik, betapa jelita engkau, hai tercinta di antara segala yang disenangi.

There are sentences that are very obscene to mention breasts, testicles, touch-touched, fingering, lust, and others.

1. Ezekiel 23: 1-21, verses squalid sexual.
23:17 And the Babylonians came to enjoy the romance bed and defiled her with their fornication; After she be defiled by them, she wriggle out of them.
23:20 He told his friends lascivious harlot, whose nakedness like genitalia ass and his balls like a horse penis.
23:21 You want lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians fingering and touching breasts touched kegadisanmu milk. "(Ezekiel 23: 1-21)

2. Ezekiel 16: 22-38, verse-naked nude porn.
Yeh. 16: 7 and be great like the herbs in the fields! You have been great and are old enough, even until the days of your youth. So already plump breasts, your hair had grown, but you naked naked.
Yeh. 16:22 In all deeds are vile and prostitution, you are not remembered the days of your youth, when you were naked nude kicking with your feet in the blood spread.
Yeh. 16:39 I will give you into their hands and they will destroy and destroy high-bukitmu hill, they'll expose you, would rob jewels and leave you naked naked.
Yeh. 23:29 They will treat you with hatred and take away all the results of your labor and leave you stark naked, so that the nakedness of your prostitution visible. Lewdness and prostitution.

3. Deuteronomy 23: 1-2, God calls the "testicles".
23: 1 "The man who crushed their testicles or severed genitals, do not enter the assembly of the Lord.

4. Hosa 3: 1, the prophet Hosea was told by God to love women who love prostitute (prostitutes) and adulterers. If it is true that God ever sent His prophets to love prostitutes, all men would struggle to be a prophet. And, all the women will fight to become prostitutes, to be loved by the prophet of God.

5. Song of Songs 4: 1-9
7: 1 How beautiful are your steps with flip-flops, the daughter of the noble character! Curved waist like jewels, the work of the hands of the artist.
7: 2 navel as the cup round, who do not lack mixed wine. Your belly is a heap of wheat, fenced lilies.
7: 3 As breasts are like two fawns, like twins of a gazelle.
7: 4 Your neck is like the tower of ivory, your eyes like a lake in Heshbon, near the gate Batrabim; Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon, overlooking Damascus.
7: 5 Your head is like Mount Carmel, purple hair of your head; a king captive in-braid her pigtails.
7: 6 How beautiful, how beautiful you are, O beloved among all favored.


 19 Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. 21 So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.[c]
22 “Therefore, Oholibah, this is what the Sovereign Lordsays: I will stir up your lovers against you, those you turned away from in disgust, and I will bring them against you from every side— 

1 comment:

  1. Assalamu Alaikum wr-wb, perkenalkan nama saya ibu Sri Rahayu asal Surakarta, saya ingin mempublikasikan KISAH KESUKSESAN saya menjadi seorang PNS. saya ingin berbagi kesuksesan keseluruh pegawai honorer di instansi pemerintahan manapun, saya mengabdikan diri sebagai guru disebuah desa terpencil di daerah surakarta, dan disini daerah tempat mengajar hanya dialiri listrik tenaga surya, saya melakukan ini demi kepentingan anak murid saya yang ingin menggapai cita-cita, Sudah 9 tahun saya jadi tenaga honor belum diangkat jadi PNS Bahkan saya sudah 4 kali mengikuti ujian, dan membayar 70 jt namun hailnya nol uang pun tidak kembali bahkan saya sempat putus asah, pada suatu hari sekolah tempat saya mengajar mendapat tamu istimewa dari salah seorang pejabat tinggi dari kantor BKN pusat Jl. Letjen Sutoyo No. 12 Jakarta Timur karena saya sendiri mendapat penghargaan pengawai honorer teladan, disinilah awal perkenalan saya dengan beliau, dan secara kebetulan beliau menitipkan nomor hp pribadinya 0853-1144-2258 atas nama Drs Muh Tauhid SH.MSI beliaulah yang selama ini membantu perjalanan karir saya menjadi PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL, alhamdulillah berkat bantuan bapak Drs Muh Tauhid SH.MSI SK saya dan 2 teman saya tahun ini sudah keluar, bagi anda yang ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi bapak Drs Muh Tauhid SH.MSI, siapa tau beliau bisa membantu anda


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