Thursday, February 6, 2014

Money does not make you happier, relationships do.. BENARKAH UANG BISA MEMBUAT ORANG BAHAGIA?

Money does not make you happier, relationships do..
Drs.H.Muhammad Rakib , S.H., M.Ag. 
Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia.2014
Uang Tak Bisa Bikin Bahagia, Apa yang Bisa?
Hallo Mr.Aswir Astaman, Money does not make you happier, relationships do.
Uang bias beli obat, tapi tidak dapat membeli kesehatan. Kesehatan itu hanya milik Allah, bersyukurlah kepada-Nya.

"Happiness has mostly to do with relationships and the quality thereof."
"I don't believe very much in the hedonics argument about wealth - that the more you have, the more money you need to maintain a certain level of happiness. Happiness has mostly to do with relationships and the quality thereof. I doubt that it's a metric that can be measured effectively by economists to come to a conclusion." — J.C. Hewitt
After you are rich, you take it for granted, like you take having great parents for granted.
"[Being rich] feels like all the other blessings we have in life when times are tough - we know that they are blessings, strive not to take the for granted, but can forget we're blessed when we're feeling down. It's like having a beautiful kid of a wonderful spouse or great parents. And for me, at least, I can say with absolute certainty it has not made me any happier." — Rick Webb, COO Barbarian Group
Having a lot of money makes you want to make more.
"I thought, if I  could make 10 million dollars then it must be too easy. In fact, I honestly thought, everyone else had probably already made 11 million dollars. So then I felt poor again. I now needed 100 million dollars to be happy." — James Altucher
When rich people start dying, they become less proud of their wealth.
"After she attained what she thought was success, [my mother] was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. She spent the days up until her death regretting almost all the choices she made and beat herself up day after day. One of her last journal entries included reflections on how unappreciative she was with the things in front of her, and finally realizing happiness does not lie within superficial matters a little too late." — Mona Nomura
Rich people get all the same sadness, but they don't hurt as much because they are still rich.
 "Rich people are prone to all the same maladies and emotions as anyone else, and at the same frequency. And certainly, in some cases, money itself can cause stress and unhappiness. But, with one difference -- if you're unhappy and rich, you have money. And money buys creature comforts." — Steven Kane
After you get rich, you feel the same.

"After a few months of wealth you will eventually get used to it and become the same person that you are now.
"After a few months of wealth you will eventually get used to it and become the same person that you are now." — Balraj Chana
If you are rich because of your salary you end up working all the time.
"Socially, the life of someone who makes a lot of money is probably not what you expect. The "rich" on television are usually old money of some kind. The working rich pretty much have to devote their lives to work. At many points, my dad was working and traveling for twelve months out of the year. I think when my sister was born, he was literally commuting between NYC and Zürich five days out of every seven." — J.C. Hewitt
Being rich makes you feel smarter and better than the rest of the world, and that feels good.
"It feels good when you break your own money making records and look at the rest of the world like retards. It's good to defeat the system and money helps you do that." — Anonymous.
Uang Tak Bisa Bikin Bahagia, Apa yang Bisa?
Ilustrasi, London : Setiap hari berbagai kegiatan dilakukan seluruh umat manusia di dunia. Uang seringkali menjadi alasan utama setiap orang untuk beraktivitas baik di kantor atau di manapun. Bahkan banyak juga yang mengatakan, uang adalah sumber kebahagiaan. Namun benarkah uang bisa membuat orang bahagia?
Seperti dilansir dari CNBC, Jumat (13/9/2013) jawabannya adalah tidak bisa. Menurut studi terbaru yang dilakukan pakar sejarah ekonomi Robert Skidelsky bukan uang yang bisa memberikan kebahagiaan tapi kecukupan antara kebutuhan dan jumlah uang yang dimiliki. Penelitian yang dilakukan Skidelsky fokus menganalisa hubungan antara kekayaan dan kebahagiaan.
"Anda bertanya, apakah uang bisa membuat orang bahagia? hasil penelitian kami menjawab tidak. Bukti yang kami dapatkan adalah seiring dengan bertambahnya kekayaan Anda, kebahagiaan Anda tidak bertambah," ujar Skidelsky, penulis buku `How Much is Enough?'.
Dikutip dari bukunya, bahan-bahan pokok yang dapat menciptakan kebahagiaan dalam hidup seseorang adalah kesehatan, pendidikan, kenyamanan, persahabatan dan harmonisasi dengan alam. Sementara menurut profesor politik ekonomi di University of Warwick ini, bekerja demi uang dapat lebih mengganggu kenyamanan pribadi, dibandingkan orang-orang yang mau beristirahat dari pekerjaannya.
"Hidup yang baik berisi tiga bahan pokok tersebut. Saat Anda sudah memperoleh cukup uang untuk memiliki tiga bahan tersebut, tapi Anda tetap bekerja demi uang, maka itu merupakan hal yang konyol," ujar Edward yang berprofesi sebagai pakar filsafat dan merupakan anak dari Skidelsky.
Penelitian tersebut terinspirasi dari John Maynard Keynes yang memprediksi pendapatan per kapita masyarakat dunia akan terus meningkat dan kebutuhan pokok banyak orang akan terpenuhi. Artinya, untuk bahagia, seseorang tak perlu bekerja lebih dari 15 jam per mingu.
Mengejar banyak uang diumpamakan Skidelsky seperti sedang berjalan di atas treadmill yang tak ada ujungnya. Anda hanya terus menambah jumlahnya tapi tak tahu bagaimana menggunakannya agar Anda bahagia.
"Pasar tenaga kerja dikendalikan para bos dan bukan para karyawan, jadi masyarakat tak memiliki wewenang untuk mengatur kondisi kerja sesuai dengan keinginannya sendiri," jelasnya. Padahal menurut dia, kebebasan merupaka salah satu faktor yang bisa memberikan kenyamanan, salah satu syarat bahagia.
Maka untuk bahagia tak perlu uang banyak, Anda hanya perlu memiliki uang yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Jika kebutuhan Anda tercukupi, Anda akan memiliki tiga faktor penting pencipta kebahagiaan hidup. (Sis/Ndw)

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